The salt lamp, as its name already suggests, is made of natural salt. It could therefore leak if it is not regularly maintained.
This involves cleaning it and especially purifying it. The last operation is also important to avoid the accumulation of bad vibes in your home.

Methods for Salt Lamp Purification
The salt lamp , like the scallop shell, is one of the favorite objects of feng shui enthusiasts. This is due to its ability to suck up negative ions found in the surrounding air. Its existence will thus allow you to reduce, or even destroy, the negative energies lurking in your home.
However, if it is not purified in time, it will not be able to respond well to this vocation. The ideal time to do this purification is the one before a lithotherapy session , but nothing prevents you from doing it after using the salt lamp.
The most traditional method to perform this operation consists of pouring a small trickle of water on the salt lamp from Pakistan. Given the extreme sensitivity of the latter and its fragility to humidity, however, it will be better to choose from the following other techniques:
- Use of incense: The incense will be lit near the lamp before it is bathed in smoke.
- Using a candle flame: just like the previous method, you will need to light the candle before drowning the lamp in its smoke.
- Burying the lamp in salt.
- The use of a sacred drum or bowl.

Steps to Clean a Salt Lamp
Your salt lamp may also lose some or all of its ability to reconnect the body and mind if it is not cleaned regularly . This is especially important when you notice that the lamp is leaking.
However, it should not be done with water, as salt can gradually erode when exposed to moisture. In addition, moisture attracts dust, which can cause the lamp to tarnish while being difficult to remove.
The cleaning operation will therefore only consist of using a cloth, a towel or a sponge that has been slightly dampened before rubbing the lamp as gently as possible. Make sure that the cloth used cannot cause a deposit of pieces of fabric or hairs, however tiny they may be.
As soon as you notice slight drips, unplug the lamp before wiping it. However, avoid using soaps or cleaning products to avoid damaging it. Remember to plug it back in immediately after wiping.
You can also use a hair dryer to ensure that the drips are completely removed. This will also help to get rid of the dust.

Recommendations for proper maintenance of the salt lamp
If you want your salt lamp to retain its absorbent power for longer, also remember to maintain it regularly. This involves, first of all, an excellent choice of its location. In particular, you should avoid bathrooms and your outdoor spaces, especially during winter and autumn.
It is also important to make sure that there is enough power for the lamp to be sure of its capacity to heat the Himalayan salt stone and get rid of the humidity. You will therefore have to choose the bulb according to the weight and size of the crystal. For example, you will need a power of 20 Watts to heat 5 to 10 kilos of stone .
If the weight of the crystal exceeds 10 kg, the minimum power required for heating it is 40 Watts. Also, be aware that leaving the lamp on permanently will completely protect you from any risk of leakage.
So, when you notice a slight weakening of the bulb's lighting, think about changing it as soon as possible. In any case, when there is a finding of increased dripping and humidity, it means that the bulb is losing its power.
However, you may not need to use the lamp for a while. To prevent it from deteriorating and in particular losing its power to absorb negative energies, remember to cover it with rice before putting it in plastic packaging.
Bonjour peut-on purifier ou assécher rapidement une lampe de 15 kgs brute qui a énormément coulée dans un garage pas chauffé, et pas éclairé depuis longtemps, on voit qu’elle a pas mal fondu dessus, c’est bien dommage, son aspect cailloux naturel est abimé, mais c’est encore une lampe qui fait son boulot énergétique dans la maison n’est-ce pas ? peut-on le faire au lieu du sel par exemple, avec du bicarbonate alimentaire par exemple ? ou percarbonate qui lui est complément naturel, je crois ? Mais j’ai peur que ce soit corrosif ?! et avec le sel combien faut mettre de sel et comment fait-on svp, pour un nettoyage /purification ? pour quil reste autour et combien de temps le laisser dedans ? et combien de nettoyage par an ? Merci pour vos conseils/réponses, il me semble qu’elle est vraiment abimée sur son aspect, je suis colère après moi, j’espere que sèche ?… peut-être que ?… on peut rêver, c bientôt Noël, elle a 26 ans cette lampe ! je suis en train de la refaire nettoyer et il faut que je change son fil et son ampoule dès demain, au moins, elle pourra sécher correctement, je compte prendre du 40 W comme conseillé au-dessus pour 15 Kg de roche, vous penser que pour la sécher que je peux prendre plus sans l’abimer ? 60W ?
Bonjour peut-on purifier ou assécher rapidement une lampe de 15 kgs brute qui a énormément coulée dans un garage pas chauffé, et pas éclairé depuis longtemps, on voit qu’elle a pas mal fondu dessus, c’est bien dommage, son aspect cailloux naturel est abimé, mais c’est encore une lampe qui fait son boulot énergétique dans la maison n’est-ce pas ? peut-on le faire au lieu du sel par exemple, avec du bicarbonate alimentaire par exemple ? ou percarbonate qui lui est complément naturel, je crois ? Mais j’ai peur que ce soit corrosif ?! et avec le sel combien faut mettre de sel et comment fait-on svp, pour un nettoyage /purification ? pour quil reste autour et combien de temps le laisser dedans ? et combien de nettoyage par an ? Merci pour vos conseils/réponses, il me semble qu’elle est vraiment abimée sur son aspect, je suis colère après moi, j’espere que sèche ?… peut-être que ?… on peut rêver, c bientôt Noël, elle a 26 ans cette lampe ! je suis en train de la refaire nettoyer et il faut que je change son fil et son ampoule dès demain, au moins, elle pourra sécher correctement, je compte prendre du 40 W comme conseillé au-dessus pour 15 Kg de roche, vous penser que pour la sécher que je peux prendre plus sans l’abimer ? 60W ?
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